Exploring the Watercolor Artistry of Jacqueline Jax
Every piece of Jacqueline's artwork tells a unique story. Through her paintings, she invites viewers to embark on a journey, unraveling layers of symbolism and meaning through colours, shapes and form. Whether it's a serene monochromatic landscape or a thought-provoking wild true soul portraits, her art invites contemplation and introspection.

The Sanctity of a Watercolor Journal
As the winter flurries start to fall, it’s time to say farewell for now to my outdoor painting perch and head indoors to my cozy studio retreat. The first snow fall seems to signal my brain to set aside hours for one-on-one painting sessions with my sketchbooks. I find solace in this peaceful corner of my studio, where time seems to stand still.

Recommended Materials for Watercolor
Here’s a list of all the materials I use in my classes. I have these watercolor supplies in my studio always. You do not need to purchase all of these, you can use what you have but think to add these to your wish list for future purchases so you can start collecting professional supplies when Jacksons has sales.

Painting a Loose Flower in Quinn Rose Watercolor
This loose watercolor floral was created with just three paint colors and one watercolor brush. The art work was done on 100% cotton watercolor paper by Arches. I hope you’ll give this a try and remember to let yourself paint without stress or worry. These are great exercises to loosen up your style and Allow Watercolour to be therapeutic.

The human spirit lives on creativity and dies in conformity and routine
The desire to create is one of the most incredible gifts to any artist. That desire encourages you to experiment and inspires you to take risks. Allowing yourself to be creative is mostly about breaking the rules, making mistakes, and discovering happy accidents that end up defining you in ways that you never knew you could.
Behind The Studio Door with Jacqueline Jax Fine Artist
From an early age, Jacqueline showed an interest in art and was enrolled in Art classes at just 10 years old where she learned screen printing, poetry, sculpting, and painting. Coming from a family of Artists and Entrepreneurs, her interests were both encouraged and supported.