Painting an Easy Loose Watercolour flower in Azo Yellow

Watercolor Tip for Beginners Watercolor Tip for Beginners
It may start with a field of flowers but what you see is what you should paint. Many artists get locked into trying to paint too much in one piece of art. But if you love abstract art, it’s not always about filling the canvas with details or too many subjects, abstract art lends itself really well to mico-pieces of a flower rather than trying to paint a life like image.
Sometimes getting hyper focused on one of two things with more intensity is a much better way to express your vision.
This easy loose Watercolour flower in Azo Yellow is a great painting idea for beginners to try. It’s a fun concept and easy on the eyes.
Give it a try.
Script brush, liner brush Princeton Neptune:
Schmincke Cobalt turquoise watercolor:
Azo yellow watercolor:
Aussie Red Gold watercolor:
Arches Paper: 9 x 12 :
Easy removing Painters tape:
How to paint this style
Use painters tape to give yourself healthy borders if needed.
🌸This flower was painted wet on dry cotton paper. It’s essentially done in just azo yellow of different strength then a wet brush is used to diffuse the paint onto the paper in loose petal shapes.
🌸After it’s dry I used a mix of azo and Aussie red for the Center and then after dry
🌸 add a little cobalt turquoise
If you love this, I have a new series of Watercolor flower classes is coming to my website site.
*Watercolor Painting Classes Available <here>
🌸This flower was painted wet on dry cotton paper. It’s essentially done in just Azo yellow of different strength then a wet brush is used to diffuse the paint onto the paper in loose petal shapes.
🌸After it’s dry I used a mix of Azo Yellow and Aussie Red Gold for the Center and then after dry.
You could also use a little red and warm yellow to achieve a similar effect.
🌸 add a little cobalt turquoise in the center and blend out with water to get the green shades
It’s important to take a step back every few minutes to review what the overall flower shape looks like. See if you can find balance in the over all piece and imagine how this would look on your wall.